Online classifieds such as OLX and Quickr are finding good traction for their business in semi urban and rural area n states like West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Karnatka, Maharashtra, Orissa, Assam and Uttar pradesh."While the main metros continue to be top contributors to our site, the rapidly increasing internet usage in tier 2 and 3 towns has also boosted our growth tremendously. Today Tier 2 and 3 cities account for over 50% of our traffic," Quikr CEO Pranay Chulet told PTI. OLX, which has a majority of users mainly from metros, is also finding that small town traffic on its site is growing. "We do notice positive trends from Tier 2 cities as well. These include cities like Jaipur, Surat, Cochin," OLX CEO Amarjit Batra said. With these sites offering platform to users to buy and sell a wide range of products, it is not surprising that enterprising farmers are using them to sell their pets and animals as well.
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Rural India selling cow and buffaloes on OLX,Quickr.
Online classifieds such as OLX and Quickr are finding good traction for their business in semi urban and rural area n states like West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Karnatka, Maharashtra, Orissa, Assam and Uttar pradesh."While the main metros continue to be top contributors to our site, the rapidly increasing internet usage in tier 2 and 3 towns has also boosted our growth tremendously. Today Tier 2 and 3 cities account for over 50% of our traffic," Quikr CEO Pranay Chulet told PTI. OLX, which has a majority of users mainly from metros, is also finding that small town traffic on its site is growing. "We do notice positive trends from Tier 2 cities as well. These include cities like Jaipur, Surat, Cochin," OLX CEO Amarjit Batra said. With these sites offering platform to users to buy and sell a wide range of products, it is not surprising that enterprising farmers are using them to sell their pets and animals as well.
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