Worlds largest diamond was auctioned in Hongkong on Wednesday. One of the spokesperson of the auction house 'Chriesty' said that the amount auctioned on wednesday is a record. No other diamond of this type has not ever since now has been auctioned till this amount. This auction amount is the highest of them all. This diamond looks like a drop of water. it is weighted at 75.36 carat. The gemstone is a teardrop shaped diamond with triangular bases over its entire surface. Despite the fact that the lot could not reach the upper limit of the estimated cost of $ 12.5 million, the result is still considered outstanding by Christie’s. Currently, “Winston’s Legacy” has the highest record for a gem ever put up for auction. The weight of the gem is 101.73 carats. Earlier this month, the colorless diamond was sold in Geneva for $ 26.7 million
Thursday, 30 May 2013
The worlds largest diamond auctioned in Hongkong.
Worlds largest diamond was auctioned in Hongkong on Wednesday. One of the spokesperson of the auction house 'Chriesty' said that the amount auctioned on wednesday is a record. No other diamond of this type has not ever since now has been auctioned till this amount. This auction amount is the highest of them all. This diamond looks like a drop of water. it is weighted at 75.36 carat. The gemstone is a teardrop shaped diamond with triangular bases over its entire surface. Despite the fact that the lot could not reach the upper limit of the estimated cost of $ 12.5 million, the result is still considered outstanding by Christie’s. Currently, “Winston’s Legacy” has the highest record for a gem ever put up for auction. The weight of the gem is 101.73 carats. Earlier this month, the colorless diamond was sold in Geneva for $ 26.7 million
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