- Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
- Snakes have no external ears. Therefore, they do not hear the music of a "snake charmer". Instead, they are probably responding to the movements of the snake charmer and the flute. However, sound waves may travel through bones in their heads to the middle ear.
- Many spiders have eight eyes.
- The tongue of snakes has no taste buds. Instead, the tongue is used to bring smells and tastes into the mouth. Smells and tastes are then detected in two pits, called "Jacobson's organs", on the roof of their mouths. Receptors in the pits then transmit smell and taste information to the brain.
- Birds don't sweat
- The highest kangaroo leap recorded is 10 ft and the longest is 42 ft
- Flamingo tongues were eaten common at Roman feasts
- The smallest bird in the world is the Hummingbird. It weighs 1oz
- The bird that can fly the fastest is called a White it can fly up to 95 miles per hour.
- The oldest living thing on earth is 12,000 years old. It is the flowering shrubs called creosote bushes in the Mojave Desert
- Tea is said to have been discovered in 2737 BC by a Chinese emperor when some tea leaves accidentally blew into a pot of boiling water.
- A person can live without food for about a month, but only about a week without water. If the amount of water in your body is reduced by just 1%, one will feel thirsty. If it's reduced by 10%, one will die.
- Along with its length neck, the giraffe has a very long tongue -- more than a foot and a half long. A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue
- Ostriches can kick with tremendous force, but only forward. Don't Mess with them
- An elephant can smell water three miles away
- If you were to remove your skin, it would weigh as much as 5 pounds
- A hippopotamus can run faster than a man
- India never invaded any country in her last 10000 years of history
- The world's known tallest man is Robert Pershing Wadlow. The giraffe is 5.49m (18 ft.), the man is 2.55m (8ft. 11.1 in.).
- The world's tallest woman is Sandy Allen. She is 2.35m (7 ft. 7 in.).
- The only 2 animals that can see behind themselves without turning its head are the rabbit and the parrot.
- The blue whale is the largest animal on earth. The heart of a blue whale is as big as a car, and its tongue is as long as an elephant.
- The largest bird egg in the world today is that of the ostrich. Ostrich eggs are from 6 to 8 inches long. Because of their size and the thickness of their shells, they take 40 minutes to hard-boil. The average adult male ostrich, the world's largest living bird, weighs up to 345 pounds.
- Every dolphin has its own signature whistle to distinguish it from other dolphins, much like a human fingerprint
- The world's largest mammal, the blue whale, weighs 50 tons i.e. 50000 Kg at birth. Fully grown, it weighs as much as 150 tons i.e. 150000 Kg.
- 90 % of all the ice in the world in on Antarctica
- Antarctica is DRIEST continent. Antarctica is a desert
- Antarctica is COLDEST continent, averaging minus 76 degrees in the winter
- Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and it doesn't have a moon. Its atmosphere is so thin that during the day the temperature reaches 750 degrees, but at night it gets down to -300 degrees.
- Jupiter is the largest planet. If Jupiter were hollow, you could fit 1000 earths inside! It is made up of gas and is not solid. The most famous feature on Jupiter is its Red Spot, which is actually an enormous hurricane that has been raging on Jupiter for hundreds of years! Sixteen moons orbit Jupiter.
- Saturn is a very windy place! Winds can reach up to 1,100 miles per hour. Saturn is also made of gas. If you could find an ocean large enough, it would float. This planet is famous for its beautiful rings, and has at least 18 moons.
- Uranus is the third largest planet, and is also made of gas. It's tilted on its side and spins north-south rather than east-west. Uranus has 15 moons.
- Neptune takes 165 Earth years to get around the sun. It appears blue because it is made of methane gas. Neptune also has a big Spot like Jupiter. Winds on Neptune get up to 1,200 mile per hour! Neptune has 8 moons.
- Pluto is the farthest planet from the sun... usually. It has such an unusual orbit that it is occasionally closer to the sun than Neptune. Pluto is made of rock and ice.
- Just about everyone listens to the radio! 99% of homes in the United States have a least one radio. Most families have several radios.
- Sound is sent from the radio station through the air to your radio by means of electromagnetic waves. News, music, Bible teaching, baseball games, plays, advertisements- these sounds are all converted into electromagnetic waves (radio waves) before they reach your radio and your ears.
- At the radio station, the announcer speaks into a microphone. The microphone changes the sound of his voice into an electrical signal. This signal is weak and can't travel very far, so it's sent to a transmitter. The transmitter mixes the signal with some strong radio signals called carrier waves. These waves are then sent out through a special antenna at the speed of light! They reach the antenna of your radio. Your antenna "catches" the signal, and the radio's amplifier strengthens the signal and sends it to the speakers. The speakers vibrate, and your ears pick up the vibrations and your brain translates them into the voice of the radio announcer back at the station. When you Every radio station has its own frequency. When you turn the tuning knob on your radio, you are choosing which frequency you want your antenna to "catch."
- Mountain lions are known by more than 100 names, including panther, catamount, cougar, painter and puma. Its scientific name is Felis concolor, which means "cat of one color." At one time, mountain lions were very common!
- The large cats of the world are divided into two groups- those that roar, like tigers and African lions, and those that purr. Mountain lions purr, hiss, scream, and snarl, but they cannot roar. They can jump a distance of 30 feet, and jump as high as 15 feet. It would take quite a fence to keep a mountain lion out! Their favorite food is deer, but they'll eat other critters as well. They hunt alone, not in packs like wolves. They sneak up on their prey just like a house cat sneaks up on a bird or toy- one slow step at a time. A lion can eat ten pounds of meat at one time!. Queen ants can live to be 30 years old
- Dragonflies can flap their wings 28 times per second and they can fly up to 60 miles per hour
- As fast as dragonflies can flap their wings, bees are even faster... they can flap their wings 435 times per second
- Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.
- You can't kill yourself by holding your breath
- Your heart beats over 100,000 times a day
- Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people
- The elephant is the only mammal that can't jump!
- Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails!
- Women blink nearly twice as much as men
- Honey is the only food that does not spoil. Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs has been tasted by archaeologists and found edible
- Coca-Cola would be green if colouring weren't added to it.
- More people are allergic to cow's milk than any other food.
- Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand
- Earth is the only planet not named after a god.
- It?s against the law to burp, or sneeze in a church in Nebraska, USA.
- Some worms will eat themselves if they can't find any food!
- Queen Elizabeth I regarded herself as a paragon of cleanliness. She declared that she bathed once every three months, whether she needed it or not
- Slugs have 4 noses.
- Owls are the only birds that can see the blue colour.
- Your tongue is the only muscle in your body that is attached at only one end
- More than 1,000 different languages are spoken on the continent of Africa.
- There was once an undersea post office in the Bahamas.
- Abraham Lincoln's mother died when she drank the milk of a cow that grazed on poisonous snakeroot
- After the death of Albert Einstein his brain was removed by a pathologist and put in a jar for future study.
- Penguins are not found in the North Pole
- A dentist invented the Electric Chair.
- A whip makes a cracking sound because its tip moves faster than the speed of sound
- Alexander Graham Bell's wife and mother were both deaf
- Cockroaches break wind every 15 minutes.
- Fish scales are an ingredient in most lipsticks
- 11% of the world is left-handed
- 1.7 liters of saliva is produced each day
- The world?s oldest piece of chewing gum is 9000 years old!
- The largest beetle in the Americas is the Hercules beetle, which can be 4 to 6 inches in length. That's bigger than your hand!
- A full-grown male mountain lion may be 9 feet long, including his tail!
- There are two kinds of radio stations: AM and FM. That's why there are two dials on your radio. AM is used mostly for stations that specialize in talking, such as Christian stations at have Bible stories and sermons; sports stations that broadcast live baseball and football games; and stations that specialize in news programs and "talk shows," where listeners call the station and discuss various topics. FM is used mostly for stations that specialize in music.
- The average lead pencil can draw a line that is almost 35 miles long or you can write almost 50,000 words in English with just one pencil
- The Wright Brothers invented one of the first airplanes. It was called the Kitty Hawk.
- The worst industrial disaster in India occurred in 1984 in Bhopal the capital of Madhya Pradesh. A deadly chemical, methyl isocyanate leaked out of the Union Carbide factory killing more than 2500 and leaving thousands sick. In fact the effects of this gas tragedy are being felt even today.
- Mars is nicknamed the "Red Planet," because it looks reddish in the night sky. Mars has 2 moons.
- . Venus is nicknamed the "Jewel of the Sky." Because of the greenhouse effect, it is hotter than Mercury, even though it's not as close to the sun. Venus does not have a moon but it does have clouds of sulfuric acid! If you're going to visit Venus, pack your gas mask!
- Tens of thousands of participants come from all over the world, fight in a harmless battle where more than one hundred metric tons of over-ripe tomatoes are thrown in the streets.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Mind Blowing General Knowledge Facts
Top 10 Evil Scientists - Most Evil Scientific Minds in History
Here are ten of the
most diabolical scientific minds in history.
Ishii was a microbiologist and the lieutenant general of Unit 731, a biological warfare unit of the Imperial Japanese Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War. He was born in the former Shibayama Village of Sanbu District in Chiba Prefecture, and studied medicine at Kyoto Imperial University. In 1932, he began his preliminary experiments in biological warfare as a secret project for the Japanese military. In 1936, Unit 731 was formed. Ishii built a huge compound - more than 150 buildings over six square kilometers - outside the city of Harbin, China.
Some of the numerous atrocities committed by Ishii and others under his
command in Unit 731 include: vivisection of living people (including pregnant
women who were impregnated by the doctors), prisoners had limbs amputated and
reattached to other parts of their body, some prisoners had parts of their
bodies frozen and thawed to study the resulting untreated gangrene. Humans
were also used as living test cases for grenades and flame throwers.
Prisoners were injected with inoculations of disease, disguised as
vaccinations, to study their effects. To study the effects of untreated
venereal diseases, male and female prisoners were deliberately infected with
syphilis and gonorrhea via rape, then studied. A complete list of these
horrors can be found here.
Having been granted immunity by the
American Occupation Authorities at the end of the war, Ishii never spent any
time in jail for his crimes and died at the age of 67 of throat cancer.2. Dr. Joseph Mengele (1911-1979) Mengele gained notoriety chiefly for being one of the SS physicians who supervised the selection of arriving transports of prisoners, determining who was to be killed and who was to become a forced laborer, and for performing human experiments on camp inmates, amongst whom Mengele was known as the Angel of Death. On several occasions he killed subjects simply to be able to dissect them afterwards. 3. Dr. Sigmund Rascher (1909-1945) Rascher was a despicable scientist during the Nazi use of concentration camps during WWII. Rascher’s infamous medical experiments at the Dachau concentration camp included hypothermia research in which three hundred test subjects were used against their will (one third of them perished), in high-altitude, malaria and medication experiments. At Dachau, Rascher also developed the standard cyanide capsules, which could be easily bitten through, either deliberately or accidentally. Ironically, this became the means by which Himmler (Rascher’s friend) committed suicide. 4. Johann Konrad Dippel (1673-1734) Dippel was born at Castle Frankenstein and is rumored to be the inspiration for Shelley’s vile doctor. This is disputable, but what isn’t is the fact that this brilliant doctor performed vivisections on many recipients. Working with nitroglycerin he destroyed a tower, but also detected the medicinal use of it. It is rumored that he also preformed gruesome experiments within this tower with so called “cadavers”. Though the actual details of the experiments have never been truly confirmed it is rumored that he attempted to transfer the soul of one cadaver into another. Interestingly, his greatest contribution to the world was his animal oil (Dippel’s oil: a nitrogenous by-product of the destructive distillation manufacture of bone char) commonly known as a base product in Prussian blue – the low cost blue dye that is used to this day by artists; previously, blue dies were extremely expensive to create. 5. Members of the Tuskegee Study For forty years between 1932 and 1972, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) conducted an experiment on 399 black men (mostly impoverished and poorly educated share-croppers) in the late stages of syphilis. The essence was to gather data on the course of the disease when left untreated. The researchers understood from the outset that test subjects would provide most of their useful information in the form of autopsies, so great pains were taken to insure that subjects didn’t obtain medical care elsewhere. The program came to an abrupt halt in 1972 when its existence was made public by the Washington Star. It would be easy to dismiss this as a case of simple racism by a public institution, but that is not the case: The project was enthusiastically hosted by the Tuskeegee Institute, a historically black college, and many key researchers and staff on the project were, themselves, black. 6. Dr. Jack Kevorkian (1928) Kevorkian is most noted for publicly championing a terminal patient’s right to die via physician-assisted suicide and claims to have assisted at least 130 patients to that end. Imprisoned in 1999, he served eight years out of his 10-to-25-year prison sentence for second-degree murder in the 1998 poisoning of Thomas Youk, 52, of Oakland County, Michigan. The judge that convicted him said: “You were on bond to another judge when you committed this offense, you were not licensed to practice medicine when you committed this offense and you hadn’t been licensed for eight years. And you had the audacity to go on national television, show the world what you did and dare the legal system to stop you. Well, sir, consider yourself stopped.” Regardless of your views on euthanasia, the fact remains that Kevorkian swore an oath to save lives, not to take them. 7. Trofim Lysenko
While his experiments did not result in mass deaths, Lysenko needs to be on
this list for his utter dishonesty in the field of Science that ultimately
set the Soviet Union back decades in research. Lysenko was director of the
Institute of Genetics and specialized in agricultural research. Lysenko’s
habit was to report only successes. His results were based on extremely small
samples, inaccurate records, and the almost total absence of control groups.
There can be no doubt that there has never been such an abuse of the name of
science as that of Lysenko. Here is a quote:
“In order to obtain a certain result,
You must want to obtain precisely that result; if you want to obtain a
certain result, you will obtain it …. I need only such people as will obtain
the results I need.” Lysenko8. Alfred Nobel (1833-1897) Discovering the use of nitroglycerine in his invention of dynamite, Nobel gave the world its first mass-produced use of deadly explosives. Killing first his own brother Emil and several others in a factory accident, the future death toll from his creation will number in the hundreds of thousands. Eventually he used his significant earned wealth to fund the yearly Nobel Prize to distract people from his invention, after reading his own obituary (mistakenly printed as he was not actually dead) which called him the “Merchant of Death”. 9. Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967) Heading up the Manhattan Project, the very group responsible for the creation and use of the atomic bomb, Dr. Oppenheimer was a brilliant nuclear physicist. Oppenheimer said he was “a member of just about every Communist Front organization on the West Coast,” a subscriber to the People’s World, a Communist Party organ, and, he testified, “I was associated with the Communist movement.” He claimed to be horrified by the result of the project’s work. A co-worker, Victor Weisskopf said: He did not direct from the head office. He was intellectually and even physically present at each decisive step. He was present in the laboratory or in the seminar rooms, when a new effect was measured, when a new idea was conceived. It was not that he contributed so many ideas or suggestions; he did so sometimes, but his main influence came from something else. It was his continuous and intense presence, which produced a sense of direct participation in all of us; it created that unique atmosphere of enthusiasm and challenge that pervaded the place throughout its time. 10. Paracelsus (1493-1541) Switzerland, Paracelsus’ contributions to toxicology were based heavily in astrology and he is quite well known for offering the community a wide array of useful ideas and innovations. However, for all of his use, he also thought he might be able to create homunculi, or small humans, who stood no more than a foot or so hight and performed actions very similar to Golems. His are said to have run away after turning on their master. The homunculus creation used bits of people including semen and hair. |
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